Blue Sky knows these black streaks will start out small and in a small area. Usually at the bottom of the roof. They will then grow vertically, up, towards the top of the roof. Eventually these ugly black streaks will take over the roof. These black streaks will take over to the point that you can’t even tell what the original color of your shingles or tile are supposed to be. Roof Cleaning service is Blue Sky can solve these black streaks!
Most homeowners do not even notice them. Their are several reasons why. One is that the black streaks grow so slowly, that we do not notice over the period of time it takes to fully engulf your roof. Second reason, we rarely even look at our roofs. Only after a big New England storm, or a very windy day to we even think to check if out roof is in good condition.
Many home owners are shocked to discover that those ugly black streaks are actually mold and mildew. The technical term is “gloeocapsa magma”, but basically it’s just mold and mildew. As we all know mold and mildew thrives in warm, humid, damp environments, especially New Hampshire, is the king of warm, humid, and damp environments. We also know the damage and health concerns that mold and mildew can cause.
Your roof is literally being eaten alive by this mold and mildew that is creating your dirty roof. It will also cause you to have to replace your roof sooner than later. The average cost to replace a roof in the New Hampshire area is between $10,000.00 to $45,000.00. Why replace your roof when we can clean it at a fraction of the cost? The average price for our Low PRESSURE, Blue Sky Soft Roof Washing Service is thousands less!
Our Roof Washing service will kill and remove ALL the mold and mildew, those ugly black streaks and stains, returning it to it’s original color and beauty, and extend the life of your roof to at or near manufacture life expectancy.
For a Ugly Roof / Roof Cleaning Quote with and to have your tile or shingle roof safely washed, adding years to the life of your roof and saving you THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, call us at Blue Sky today 603-594-9274